It is a fascinating question, and I’d love to know how long adam and eve in the garden of eden were in the garden of eden. I could easily go on about the questions that the Bible poses, but they are such a fascinating subject that I think it should be addressed and discussed for one day only.
The Bible says that the couple were in the garden of eden for forty days, and it tells us that Eve bit the apple, that is, Adam did not. It states that Eve bit an apple. Therefore, the Bible says, they were in the garden of eden for forty days. The Bible says that they were in the garden of eden for forty days. But, of course, the Bible is not a chronology book.
There’s a couple answers to that. The Bible doesn’t say the exact number of days they were in the garden. I’m guessing that the longer they were inside the garden, the longer it takes for the events to take place. I also think it’s not that hard to imagine that their food shortages kept them from enjoying their dinner long enough to write the Bible story.
The Bible also does not say that the three of them were in the garden of eden for forty days. There’s a whole lot of speculation about that. I think it’s safe to say that they spent quite a bit of time in the garden of eden, but the Bible doesn’t go into details about that.
I think the theory that they were in the garden of eden for forty days is actually quite good, because it seems like they were not eating and sleeping for that long. I mean, they could have just been in the garden for that long. Its probably just a theory that I am making up but, if they were in the garden for forty days, it does make sense that they would have been hungry and tired for far longer than that.
Well, the theory of forty days in the garden of eden is actually pretty decent. The book of Genesis talks about forty days of eating and sleeping, but it doesn’t really explain where they were eating and sleeping. While they were eating and sleeping, they were probably not eating and sleeping properly. If they were eating and sleeping properly, then they would have needed to be eating a lot more than they were while they were in the garden.
Adam and Eve were not eating and sleeping properly. They were living in sin and it was a very real thing. However, it was still not a forty day period in the garden. After the forty days, they were to make a complete cleanse and turn over their souls to God. This could have taken up to a year. However, it was not forty days, but three days.
The three days meant that Adam and Eve had to eat and sleep, but not for forty days. This means that Adam and Eve could not have been walking and eating and sleeping properly for forty days, which is the real problem. This time lapse is what causes Adam and Eve to be “in the garden of eden”. Although Adam and Eve were not eating and sleeping properly, they did not need to be eating and sleeping properly for forty days in order to be in the garden.
In the movie, it was forty days to get into the garden of eden. I imagine that’s about how long a day is, or maybe ten hours. Forty days of food and sleep. In Adam and Eve’s case I would say, forty days of eating and sleeping.
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