bedtime poem

This bedtime poem is the type of poem we used to write when we were younger. It is so much more mature now. It is not so much about the story as it is about the feeling of falling asleep.

The best part of the poem is that it doesn’t have any words; it is simply a series of images and metaphors. The images are actually a series of sentences that have been condensed into a more enjoyable poem. The poem starts out with a simple one line sentence that alludes to the fact that bedtime is about falling asleep. Then it moves into more images, which are then used to describe the image of falling asleep. Finally the story is simply told in more images.

The story is basically a series of two sentences, with each sentence being either a series of sentences for the main character, or a series of sentences for the party. The main character of the story is a woman named Ellie. The main character of the poem is a man named Ellie. Both of them are based on the poem. The poem is a mixture of two poems, each poem involving several images.

If you write a poem with two poems, the poem must end in a poem with the poem ending in a poem. That is, the poem must end in a poem with the poem ending in a poem. I know that many people who write a poem will end up with a poem ending in a poem. But that’s okay. Your poem must end in a poem, and the poem must end in a poem.

I’m not saying you should never end your poem in a poem. But if you do, you might be setting yourself up to be a total fuck-Up.

Well, I might be setting myself up, but its not really my fault. I wrote the poems to make an argument, which is why I included them. Poetry and prose are two pretty different things, and not everyone who writes poetry also writes prose. However, I did find in both poems that the poems ended both in poems.

This reminds me of a time in college when I was writing a poem in my English class that ended in a poem. I was going to use the poem to defend against an exam question, but I ended up using it to defend myself against a class discussion about the role of poetry in our lives. A few students were really interested in my poem, so I decided to explain why I was writing it and that I was not actually a writer and that I was just writing it in my head.

I can’t say I have a very great understanding of how poetry works, nor do I have a great understanding of how to write a poem. I’ve always been a poet. But when I decided I was going to write a poem about my experiences of being a student, I went with it. The whole reason I wrote it was because I wanted to tell myself to go with my gut instinct and that I’m not a writer.

But I think it works for me. I dont think I have a good feeling for what I am writing or how I should write it. It was just something I thought of and I felt like I had to write it.

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