In the end, it is the behaviors and attitudes that we have developed that ultimately lead to our health.
As a health educator, I know that motivating learners is something that is often approached with a lot more urgency and anxiety than I have experienced.
As a health educator, I know that motivation is something that is often approached with a lot more urgency and anxiety than I have experienced. I had a student once who felt like she was “losing her mind” because she was so frustrated with the teaching methods and she was convinced that her behavior was a result of it. As a health educator, I know that teaching is one of those things where it is hard to truly get a sense of what motivates people.
As a health educator, what motivates people is a different story. In the case of my student, it was the fact that she wasn’t as motivated as she thought she was. And that is an extremely common challenge that I face. In fact, I have seen it with other students in my classes and I have to keep telling them to get more motivated, because the more motivated they are, the more likely they are to actually be motivated.
The only difference between an educator and a student in my experience is that they are more likely to get the message. The main motivators for both groups are the same, and that is success, recognition, and recognition based on the end goal. In the case of the student, she is not motivated by the end goal, but by recognition. In the case of my student, recognition makes her more motivated than the other students in my classes.
Many times when students have to motivate themselves for the first time they’re just like, “I can’t remember what the goal is. How can I get to the end goal?” They don’t think they’re going to be motivated. They’re just like, “I can’t remember what the end goal is. I can’t remember what my goal is.
The first thing that comes to mind when we think of motivating our students for the health professional as educator is that we should be able to recognize our students’ motivations. What is it that makes our student more motivated than the other students? They might have the same goal, but they’re not so attached to it that they will act on it.
I think part of the reason that we don’t recognize our own students motivations and teach them to act on them is that we might be too attached to our own goals. We have to recognize that our students are not just going to do what we say.
Teachers are good at motivating students. Not because we think they have a good case, but because we are more motivated to do that which we consider correct and what we think makes our students happy. So the reason we are not motivated is because we are not sure what makes our students happy.
Our students are, after all, the ultimate authority. As a teacher, I have an easy time motivating my students, but when I am not sure why, or have a sense of my students are too attached to their own goals, I become frustrated and stop the lesson. As a result, I have students who are not motivated to study because they are not sure why they should be inspired and motivated to study.
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