
I am so very happy to see the decenci post as it has been a long time coming. In the last year I really lost my touch with the decenci theme and didn’t do much with it at all. I was going to blog about this for months though and finally did it last month.

Decenci is one of those themes that seems to have taken on a life of its own, and now it is really hard to find time to blog about it. Every time I do I feel the need to put in a couple hours just to refresh my memory as to what decenci is and what it means to me. But it is what it is, so I keep going.

Decenci is basically about an individual’s desire to get a better life. What does a decenci want? Well, basically it’s about being able to have what many would call a “normal life”. You’re not allowed to be a slave to your job, you’re not allowed to be a slave to a certain lifestyle, you’re not allowed to live a “normal life.” That’s the decenci theme.

If you’re going to take the time to read this, I want you to know that I will be here for you. If you haven’t read it, then here’s the thing: it’s a lot like being a slave to your job, but it’s also about being able to have what many would call a normal life.

What I’m saying is that being a slave to your job, is a lot like being a slave to your lifestyle, but its also about being able to have what many would call a normal life.

I think its a good idea to be able to have a normal life if youre working a 9-to-5 job. Even a career that you love, can be hard to achieve. And then you have to deal with people who are just looking to take advantage of your naivety, to get them to your point of need. It can be really scary and demotivating at times.

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