I have a friend that is a professional in the garden. He loves the feeling of the sun on his back, the wind on his face, and the smell of the earth as he works. He says that while it can be challenging to find time to garden, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing that your hard work has been rewarded.
This is true, but there are some garden-ers out there that get very excited when they see the sun and the wind and the scent of the earth. They have the feeling that they are really doing something. It’s because they are so excited to be doing something that they don’t even consider the possibility that they are just working in a vacant lot.
The feeling of “doing something” is not the same as actually “doing something.” The latter is a matter of doing something that you expect to have some effect on the world. But the former is a matter of doing something that you might actually have some effect on the world. And the garden-ers in The Dry Garden are doing exactly that. They are planting flowers to create a little bit of a smell and they are doing something that they expect to produce some effect on the world.
By planting flowers, they are creating a little bit of a smell. By doing something that they expect to have some effect on the world, they are actually doing something. By planting flowers, they are really just planting flowers. Plants are just plants.
Of course, this is just another example of how we should all be talking to one another rather than having a bunch of conversations in a room.
That’s a good thing.
In fact, this is probably the only thing you’d ever say to someone that you don’t really care what they think. It’s just like, okay, so I think you did the wrong thing, but if you want to go to a party, you should do it. It’s just like, I think you did it, but I’m going to go to the party anyway.
It’s called talking to people. You can talk to people all day, every day, and still not be able to know them all. This is why, even though we’ve lost a huge amount of our human relationships, we still have so many things that are personal and important. We also have so many more things that are personal and important that are just completely out of our control. So the next time someone tells you they dont like your plant or your flower, just ignore them.
Just like we can go to the party, we can go to the Dry Garden. That’s what the dry garden’s like when its not in use, which is like when we’re not doing anything. You know, when we’re not talking to people. We’re just sitting around in the garden and letting the sun dry us out.
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