horte definition

I’m a big fan of the word ‘horte’. It’s Spanish for ‘home’. In the world of self-awareness, it’s the place where we choose to live. I’m sure people have different definitions, but if you are self-aware and happy to live your life as it is, you will naturally choose to live in the place that is comfortable and healthy to you.

In the world of self-awareness there is no choice: your life is in the way of your self. In the world of self-awareness, we are always being asked to choose, to choose between two things: our own life and the life that we are given to live.

The main theme here is that life is not a choice, it is a reality of life. If you choose to live life as is, then you make life a pain in the ass, a struggle, a chore, and you have to keep making it more and more difficult so that you remain a captive to it.

If you choose to live more on your own terms, then you end up living life as a slave to the choices you make. Instead of accepting life as it is, you choose to live life on your own terms and live your life as you want to. We can choose to live our lives this way, but we must live our lives with the belief that we are going to be happy with the choices we make.

We all tend to live our lives this way. We do this to make us happier. We do this to prove to ourselves that we have no choice in the matter. We do this to prove to ourselves that we have the free will and that we don’t need anyone’s approval. In many cases though, we do this because we are living our lives for the wrong reasons.

It is very rare that we choose to live our lives this way. The people who do are usually the ones who are least happy, those who are the ones who have the most to prove. The ones who are the most unhappy tend to be the ones who are choosing the most to live their lives for the wrong reasons.

This is what has happened to me throughout my life. I have always been very ambitious. I have always wanted to be the best, and I have never wanted to fail. I have always been very self-centered and never felt that I could love anyone else. I have never felt the need to make anyone else happy. And as I’ve been living my life I’ve begun to feel a need to prove to myself that I am worthy of love and happiness.

When I was younger, I never really felt like a failure. I felt like I had the gift. Maybe I still do, but I feel like there are a lot of people out there who feel this way. And it is the very thing that has made me so unfulfilled and sad.

And I think that’s why I’m so frustrated right now. I feel like I’ve been so caught up in my own life that I can’t even be happy for anyone else. It’s hard to be happy when you feel like you’re always failing people and never able to fulfill your dreams or expectations.

Its a difficult thing to get past, being a failure. But for some people, failure is a way of getting to the goal of perfection. It is the ultimate achievement of being able to be so wrong that you can’t even be happy about it. I think that’s what the word failure is so often used for. Because to me, failure is a lot of the same thing. I feel like Ive been so caught up in my own life that I cant be happy for anyone else.

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