Author: Vinay Kumar (Vinay Kumar)


richa moorjani pregnant

This richa moorjani pregnant post is for pregnant women and their partners. There are many ways to get pregnant, but it all comes down to the number of eggs and sperm that you’re trying to get pregnant with. It sounds like a lot, but it won’t come anywhere near a baby if you just get...


outward health potion

It’s no secret that the current economic climate has made it nearly impossible for the average American to save money. We are constantly searching for ways to minimize our expenses, and the easiest way to do this is to shop at the mall or spend our hard-earned cash on clothes, shoes, and jewelry. But shopping...


santa fe new mexico photos

It took three days to get from our hotel in santa fe new mexico to where we were staying. We didn’t have any real time to relax and chill out. It was all in the moment but after a crazy day of shopping in santa fe new mexico, we were pretty exhausted. After getting some...


kodak film camera m35

KODAK is a camera that is so good at taking pictures that it’s almost impossible to imagine that it would be so good without it. That’s why it’s so important to get ahold of a camera before you take anything. It’s called a film camera m35 and it’s the first camera to become fully-equipped to...


thick gurls

I love thick gurls. I do not mean that in a sexual way, but rather as the next item on the list of things I find sexy. Thick is sexy is so not the word. Thick is sexy. Thick is sexy. Thick. Thick is sexy. Thick is sexy. This is my definition of thick. I...


cramer mountain club

I can assure you that cramer club is the new standard of excellence in mountain biking. This year, I have completed more training, including mountain bike cross country, trail biking, and half-marathon courses, than any other club participant. It’s the reason I feel so good about racing my own bike. I’m still working on the...


gitmo meaning

Gitmo is the name for the prison in Cuba that holds those who have been convicted of terrorism or espionage. Gitmo is the prison for convicted terrorists and spies that the US government shut down in the 1990s, and is now run by the Cuban government. Gitmo is a prison so evil, it’s hard to...


nickle lamoreaux

This book is about a person, a guy named nickle lamoreaux who, while living in a small town in Texas, fell in love with a girl named Amanda. When he found out that she was married, he got out, came to New York, and started a new life. He wrote a book called The Three...


nature sustainability impact factor

This is a site I was introduced to a few years ago that details the ways in which our natural environment has a very positive impact on the world. It’s a great resource for people in many industries who are trying to make the most of the natural resources they have. In this case the...


lizard fish

I find that when a client finds a reptile in the house, they are more inclined to think it is a rodent, rather than an actual pet. I would never recommend this, but if you get one, try to make sure that it is a lizard. The lizard is a small, reptilian fish that is...